Top Accounting Schools in Utah

Brigham Young University Not only is Brigham Young University (BYU) ranked as having the best undergraduate accounting program in the state of Utah, but it is also ranked as the third best in the United States, according to the Public Accounting Report. This isn’t a new development, either, as BYU has ranked third on the Read More

Consumption Taxes in Utah

Despite being a state with relatively lower taxes, there are several notable exceptions to Utah’s “less is more” method of taxation. These exceptions mainly come in the form of consumption taxes, most of which are luxury taxes. Although Utah has a state income tax, a property tax, and a general sales tax, there is a Read More

Special Powers of the IRS

It seems that there is no bigger boogeyman in the United States government than the perennial, symbolic taxman that is the IRS. Although the fears of the IRS are largely overblown, and the agency is slowed down by the momentous bureaucracy that permeates it, there are financial measures that the IRS is allowed to take Read More

Who Doesn’t Have to Pay Income Taxes

Ben Franklin once famously espoused “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” While this may be true, it’s a little less so for certain individuals. Did you know that there are demographics who are exempt from paying a federal income tax? While they will usually pay taxes in Read More

Tax Evasion With The Stars

Nobody likes doing their taxes.  Some people hate taxes enough that they just don’t pay them (a terrible idea, by the way).  Throughout history, there have been some famous tax evaders.  Below are the six most famous (or infamous) cases.