It seems like everyone and their mom is starting their own small business these days. When you’re a small business owner, it can be hard to find what defines you, and what part of your niche you can dominate and own. As much as many small businesses like to tout “Community over competition”, in actuality it’s pretty cutthroat out there. Everyone wants to be the best solution, and the simple truth is just that not everyone can be the best. So how do you set yourself and your small business apart from all of the competition?

Support a cause


Most consumers are more willing to support a small business if they have a cause that they believe in and support. You don’t have to donate very much to your chosen cause, but having a higher purpose that you are working towards is admirable and will attract business to you. It’s a small sacrifice for something you believe in, and it will set you apart from your competitors because it shows that you are caring and selfless.


Create a powerful offer


Sometimes, the thing that is more important to your consumers isn’t to make your product better, but to make their decision to purchase with you less risky. Depending on what service or product you offer, here are a few suggestions to get you started.

-Offer a long period of returns. 100 days, or 1 year, are both extended return periods that will give your customers the peace of mind that they will be taken care of if they shop with you.

-Promise to return all customer service calls and emails within 24 hours.

-Money back guarantee

-Rewards for repeat customers

-Free trials


Whatever it is that you choose to offer, make sure that it is clear on your website and you advertise it adequately, so your customers are aware of the great things that you are offering!


Have surprises


Surprise giveaways, flash sales, and personal notes in orders being sent out are all ways to motivate your customers to shop with you. You can choose to go small or large when it comes to surprises, it’s up to you and your business model! You can choose to give a small discount to the ninth order every day, or refund one small order per week. These things make people want to order from you, because they may receive something special in return.